Visit of the Legend: Genndady Golovkin at Shoqan School

Definitely a moment in history that leaves unforgettable memories — the legend of Kazakhstani boxing Gennady Golovkin paid a visit to Shoqan Walikhanov private school. Along with his professional experience, GGG also brought inspiration.
Gennady Golovkin’s visit will be an event to remember for the years to come. The entire assembly hall was filled to the brim with excitement and joy. The students were waiting for GGG so eagerly that when he had arrived, they came at him with a storm of applause and enthusiastic shouts.
Mr. Golovkin listened carefully to every question asked by the students and gave valuable answers. He shared his experience, talked about his boxing career, perseverance and self-improvement. He emphasized the importance of determination and dedication to achieve success in sport and in life.
Nothing else makes a meeting more memorable than an autograph session. GGG was happily signing the students’ boxing gloves, posters and T-shirts, who queued up in an impressively long line.
This visit was a bright sunray amidst the dark clouds and rainy days of the Almaty fall and will surely stick in the students’ memories for a long time. GGG emphasized the importance of goal setting and showed that one can achieve great heights with hard work and passion. It was an inspiring event that will help children strive for their dreams and not be afraid to challenge themselves and overcome any difficulties on the path to success.
On behalf of the students and staff, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the founders of the school, whose effort resulted in this wonderful meeting.

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